Toyota Corolla Windshield Glass Replacement – A Comprehensive Guide

Driving with a damaged windshield can be dangerous, not to mention illegal. If you own a Toyota Corolla and need to replace your windshield glass, you've come to the right place. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of Toyota Corolla windshield glass replacement.

Step 1: Gather Your Tools

The first step is to gather all the necessary tools for the job. You will need:

  • New windshield glass
  • Gasket or sealant
  • Gloves and safety glasses
  • Razor blade or scraper tool
  • Screwdriver or socket wrench set
  • Tape measure or ruler

Step 2: Remove the Old Windshield Glass

The next step is to remove the old windshield glass. Start by removing any trim or molding around the edges of the glass. Then, use a razor blade or scraper tool to loosen any adhesive holding the glass in place.

Once all adhesive has been removed, gently lift out the old glass from its frame.

Step 3: Clean and Prepare the Frame

Clean and prepare the frame before installing new windshield glass. Use a razor blade or scraper tool to remove any remaining adhesive residue from around the edges of frame.

Cleanse area with rubbing alcohol and let it dry completely before installing new windshield glass.

Step4: Install New Windshield Glass

Place new windshield glass into the frame and make sure it fits snugly.

If necessary, use a tape measure or ruler to ensure that the glass is centered and level. Next, apply gasket or sealant around the edges of the glass to hold it in place. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for application.

Step 5: Reinstall Trim and Molding

Once the new windshield glass is securely in place, reinstall any trim or molding that was removed earlier. Make sure everything fits snugly and securely.
